27 October 2009

Otto Reich's logic

In an unfortunate irony, I am restarting a blog that's last post was a celebration of Honduras' joining of ALBA with a post about Otto Reich's latest imperialist diatribe article printed in Foreign Policy on why Obama should support a military coup in Honduras.

The article is here: Honduras is an Opportunity, And the US shouldn't squander it.
By Otto Reich, Foreign Policy, 27 October 2009.

But I've saved you some time by summarizing the article.

The central argument was that Reagan's widely condemned imperialist adventure in Grenada in 1983 demonstrates the epitome of US leadership in the region, while Obama is failing to learn from this in his dealings with the Honduran coup. Grenada, according to Reich, in 1983 was the latest bridgehead of communism in the Americas and was being torn apart by the immorality of marxism (my words - but like all neo-cons there is an unpronounced and assumed spiritual-ethical argument as to why communism is inherently bad). Reagan made the bold, internationally unpleasant, and necessary decision to launch an all out assault on the Caribbean state (noting that 800 US citizens and 'medical students' were in danger if you were not already convinced). What does this have to do with Honduras? Well - Zelaya was a crazy leftist aligned with the new global communism: Chavez! You are expected to respond, OMG NOT CHAVEZ! He is a dictator (that continually gets democratic support but as a good little neo-con you wont mess things up with facts) and VERY SCARY because he doesn't like freedom™. Grenada:Marxist - Zelaya:socialist dictator (check). Second, Grenada: Int. unpopular - Coup: Int. unpopular (check). Third, and the most important point - Reagan took the opportunity to restore order in the region by invading Grenada. The coup government, I mean democracy© freedom™ fighters of awesomeness (also known as the elitist institutions of politics in Honduras: congress, supreme court, and military) saw an opportunity to restore order, making sure that the people did not get out of hand and start dreaming up things too big like fair wages, a just distribution of wealth, and other far out and unfree things. Obama is missing an opportunity that Reagan seized to topple the despots of the world. Where Reagan invading Grenada lead to the downfall of communism, Obama is letting Chavez manipulate everything and making the world dangerous for US imperialism, I mean capital, I mean FREEDOM! Or some stupid shit like that.

For a little run down on the fascist imperial slime that is Otto Reich, with a focus on his latest coup related action in Honduras:

But in a relatively short version: he has spent several decades advancing very wealthy elite interests throughout Latin America, backing and designing some of the most overt and disgusting examples of US imperialism - from the Contras in Nicaragua to the 2002 coup attempt in Venezuela. He has monied interests in privatizing Honduras' public telecom-company, is paid by coup-mongers to lobby Washington, and in a just world would have zero access to major media to spread his lies.

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